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1. Foundational: Just Getting Started (Score: 8-18)

Where You Are:

If your team falls into the ‘Foundational’ category, it means you’re in the early stages of exploring AI. Generative AI tools are either not widely available, or your team is not using them regularly. Proficiency gaps are significant, and training is limited or non-existent.

Key Characteristics:

  • Access: Limited access to AI tools across the team.

  • Usage: AI is rarely used, if at all.

  • Proficiency: Most team members lack confidence or experience with AI.

  • Training: No formal training; reliance on self-learning.

  • Ethics & Compliance: No formal AI policies or ethical guidelines in place.

What To Do Next:

  • Widen Access to Tools: Begin experimenting with AI by ensuring broader access across the team. Consider tools like ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot.

  • Foundational Training: Introduce workshops that explain the potential of generative AI in marketing, familiarising your team with how AI can transform your workflows.

  • Create Basic AI Policies: Start addressing ethical and compliance concerns by establishing simple AI guidelines for your team.

2. Progressing: Building Momentum (Score: 19-29)

Where You Are:

Teams in the ‘Progressing’ stage have started engaging with AI, but usage is inconsistent. AI may be used more often, but not everyone on the team is on board. You may be saving time in certain tasks, but there’s a need for deeper integration and more formal training.

Key Characteristics:

  • Access: Many team members have AI tools, but it’s not universal.

  • Usage: AI is being used, but mostly for simple or routine tasks.

  • Proficiency: Some team members are proficient, but others are unsure or hesitant.

  • Training: Basic training has been provided, but more is needed to build confidence.

  • Ethics & Compliance: AI guidelines exist, but they are applied inconsistently.

What To Do Next:

Expand AI Use Cases: Explore more complex workflows where AI can drive efficiency, like campaign planning or content creation.

Intermediate Training: Focus on deeper AI training, particularly around prompt engineering and advanced task-specific use cases.

Refine AI Governance: Strengthen your AI policies to ensure consistent and ethical use across the board.

3. Advanced: AI-Integrated Operations (Score: 30-40)

Where You Are:

Your team is highly proficient with AI, integrating it into multiple workflows. AI tools are part of daily operations, and your team is exploring more advanced applications. While there’s always room to improve, you’re already ahead of many competitors.

Key Characteristics:

  • Access: AI tools are widely available and used consistently.

  • Usage: AI is applied in key workflows, though there may be areas for further optimisation.

  • Proficiency: Most team members are comfortable using AI, and some are highly adept at advanced use cases.

  • Training: Formal training is well-developed, though ongoing learning could deepen expertise.

  • Ethics & Compliance: AI policies are clear and well-followed, but they may need updating as AI evolves.

What To Do Next:

  • Explore Advanced Use Cases: Identify cross-departmental workflows where AI could automate complex tasks, driving innovation and efficiency.

  • Embed Continuous Learning: Encourage your team to stay up-to-date with the latest AI advancements through regular upskilling.

  • Review AI Policies: Keep your AI ethics and compliance guidelines up to date with the latest standards to mitigate risks.

No matter where your team is on the AI proficiency scale, there are actionable steps you can take to advance to the next level. Generative AI is evolving rapidly, and by aligning your team’s skills, access, and policies, you can unlock significant productivity gains and make your marketing operations more efficient. If you want help - feel free to reach out to me for a free 1:1 consultation.

While you’re waiting, you can read about the three stages of AI proficiency for marketing teams.